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Anna : Beautiful but Deadly


The Idea: Beneath Anna Poliatova’s striking beauty lies a secret that will unleash her indelible strength and skill to become one of the world’s most feared government assassins.


  1. Get ready, this film has a very interesting plot and is not easy to guess. Script games that are fairly neat and charming can make you amazed by this film.
  2. The ranks of the actors who support this film are fairly interesting and have strong characters that are able to give a deep impression. Not only that, the relationship between the characters is very strong and is able to support the main characters and supporters in this film.
  3. Capturing images that are captivating and attach importance to cinematographic aspects in fighting can provide a distinctive color for the audience.


  1. There was nothing wrong, but it was a bit strange to see the relationship between Luke Evans and Sasha Luss (for us).


Conclusion: As a spy film, Anna is able to provide its own color for lovers of this type of film. This film is able to give a human touch that is rarely forgotten in films of this type and that is something that is rarely seen.

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